Study is an important part of the life of every modern young person who wants to achieve something in life, get a promising profession, build a career and find financial well-being. The period of study at university cannot be called easy – at this time the student has a heavy load, especially if he has to combine study with work. You need to manage both here and there. It is easy to have your own car. Let’s find out how to save money for your car in college!
Your Dream
A personal car for a modern student is as necessary as a compact notebook computer for a businessman who often goes on business trips abroad and works remotely. The life of a student is no less dynamic than that of a businessman, who needs to manage everything and everywhere, spinning like a “squirrel in a wheel”. Practice shows that the car considerably simplifies life of students who live in relative distances from higher education institution in which they study. Firstly, owning a car allows you to be never late for lectures and seminars, which is a tradition for those who go by public transport. Staying on time to classes, a learner has an opportunity to get knowledge in full and to study in full. Secondly, having your own car allows not wasting time to get not only to classes, but also to visit libraries, preparing for the next seminar, writing term papers, thesis or other scientific work.
Main Point

However, having your own car is not only convenience and comfort, but also a great responsibility, first of all, to other road users. Therefore, the student behind the wheel should pay a lot of attention to learning how to drive. It is not enough just to learn how to drive a car, you need to constantly improve your knowledge of the rules of the road. That information that was put into the head during the training at the driving school can weather out over time, especially if the daily route is the same, and you have to drive the same way. In order to regularly refresh your knowledge of traffic rules, there is an online training that anyone can take. After such a memory refreshing training course, all the traffic rules are restored to memory, and the student can not only drive from home to the university, but even feel confident when traveling to other unfamiliar cities.
Popular folklore always portrays the student as hungry and penniless. Indeed, not all parents are able to support a university student from start to finish. Many have to look for a part-time job in order to lighten the load on the family and provide themselves with some financial independence. And, of course, to save money. Let’s talk about the general principles of saving money, some of which can be useful not only for students.
Getting Around the City
When you study you have to move around the city a lot: to study, to the dormitory or to a rented apartment, to go shopping, etc. Or maybe you have to commute from the suburbs or the region? We have good news for you! There are 50% discounts for students on suburban trains. To purchase a discount ticket at the ticket office you need to show a student ID.
To travel within the city you can buy a reduced fare and also save significantly on travel. Unfortunately, not all regions provide such a benefit. You can find out about this in the dean’s office, where you can get help in obtaining a reduced fare.

Go to The Store with A List
One of the most common tips to avoid unnecessary shopping is to go to the store full and with a list. And it really works! And to buy storable goods such as cereals, cooking oil, household chemicals is better in hypermarkets. Their prices are lower than in small private stores within walking distance and often there are various promotions. In addition, in large retail chains often sell products of their own brands. They are much cheaper than similar products of famous brands.
For Free, That Is, For Free
Before you schedule the purchase of a piece of furniture, a book, clothes and shoes, or other items that could put a hole in your student budget: check to see if someone is willing to give it away for free. For our country, the phenomenon of donating things for free is still new and unaccustomed. But it exists. And why not take advantage of this opportunity?
More Fun Together
Not every student will get a place in the dormitory: either there are not enough places, or the university simply does not have a dormitory. And here already sharply arises the question of rental housing. Let’s not hide – this case is expensive, and not every family will be able to pay for an apartment for a student. A good way out of this situation is to rent a house in a group. Unite with friends, or classmates, and share the costs of rent and utilities. In addition, not only is it more fun, but it is easier to live together. Not only can you share costs, but also responsibilities and household chores.
Bottom Line
Thus, an own car for a student is not a luxury, but an objective necessity, which contributes to successful study and allows you to use your time in the most rational way. These are simple, but really working ways to save money.