Do you want to buy a car? And, in general, there is no problem if you are a self-sufficient working person, receiving a good stable salary. For those who work and earn, and in banks the doors are open, and in automobile showroom for the sake of interest to go for a walk there is something. And what to be the usual student dreaming of his first car? In this situation one question worries: where to take money? Let’s find it out!
The End Justifies the Means… Movements
Everyone wonders how to earn money, let’s define exactly why you need a car.
- If in order to get from point “A” to point “B” with the least loss of time (the cost of gasoline modestly silent, there is cheaper) – it’s one thing.
- If in spare time from studies to earn extra money as a private carriage for bread and butter (or even caviar), it is the second.
- Well and if the car is necessary “for the sake of show”, to give a lift to girlfriends up to the club, to go out with friends to barbeque – it is absolutely other “opera”.
Proceeding from requirements, it is necessary to define the car brand and its marginal cost. For the first option will do and used Zhigul. The second would require more capital investments and it would be better to look for an old, but vigorous foreign car. Well, for the third, you need something cooler than a shabby Toyota, otherwise your “reputation” and your image come to tears with it.
What About the Price?
Now about the price of the question. Of course, if you have been dreaming of your own car for a long time, you probably have already studied the figures in the local market. The car market differs from any other market that the price difference is unbelievable. Here they offer you an old car, running. So what, that it is old? But a fancy jeep they try to bargain for 3 millions. Choosing and pricing, do not lose sight of the goal for which you want to buy a car. You may have to look through more than a dozen variants and call a lot of car owners before you find the goal for which you need to look for an answer to the question of how to make money on your first car. And it’s well worth the time!
Think of The Poor Student!

Here you and I have gotten to the most important thing of all: how do you make money for a car as a student? With the seeming impossibility of solving the issue, everything is not so pessimistic. You are a student, that is, lectures, sections, sessions, and everything else comes with it. If you are a part-time student, or study at the evening department, with a job, whatever it is, the issue will be much easier to solve. If you are a full-time student, your first car can remain a dream until you graduate. Evening and part-time students, in principle, can find a permanent job much faster. Another thing – this work due to age, experience and length of service may not be as well paid as we would like. Let’s say at once: if you live with your parents, who pay your rent, cook you breakfast and lunch, pay for your closet and other needs, then you can save all the money you earn for your dream. And things will move much faster. If you came to study in another city, rent a room and live as God has sent, you will have to work several times more and, of course, longer. If you do decide to buy a Jeep, only the best accessories and other tools for the Jeep you can look at the site. Here you will find all the information and characteristics of the best parts for the car!
Cards, Money…
How can you earn on the first car? Let’s assume that the limit of your dreams – not very new, but quite nice “Japanese” or “European”. That is, you will need a little bit for happiness. For the student (and not only for the student, but also for a normal working young professional) – it’s pretty solid money. You can get this amount of money in three ways…
- Way one: a quick score. This way is preferred by the natures inclined to adventurism and criminal romanticism. Attempts to win a car in cards, the lottery, on a bet – a classic genre. But here is the trouble: unreliable way is fraught with big problems, including health.
- The second way. Hoarding is quite a profitable way to achieve desired goals. Setting aside a predetermined percentage of each salary, in the end, you can earn money for anything. One “but”. While you are saving, anything can happen: default, currency change, retribution of economic policy across the country, the crisis … Don’t forget that in Russia, such scenarios are a harsh reality. Moreover, you are unlikely to keep your money in cash in a three-liter jar, and everybody knows how commercial banks go bust.
- The third way: money must work. Students of economics will tell you the truth: it is a truism that characterizes the essence of a market economy. In order to preserve capital under the conditions of constantly changing force majeure, it is necessary to constantly invest available funds in win-win areas. To make it clearer: if you have accumulated 10 thousand and put them in the piggy bank, in a short time the amount is zeroed. If you put it into a small, but friendly business, you will get a return with low interest. Well, if you dared to arrange their own business. Be prepared for any turn of events. Working for yourself, of course, more profitable, but the risk of losing nothing because of one wrong decision is very real.

To Sum Up In fact, the question of how to make money on the first car, exactly the same as the question of how to make money for his first apartment, yacht, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea (underline the point). In any, even the most faultless variant has its advantages and risks. But do not forget that in addition to buying a car you will have to spend regularly for gasoline, insurance, inspection, seasonal tire sets, parking and repairs. And this amount for the year can be quite comparable to the price of the car itself! And do not forget to visit!